
Showing posts from April, 2020


I think it's cool how even though Tom Brady is one of the most famous athletes in the world he still shares his private life with the world, but at the same time his life is full of houses and cars and vacations that the normal person could never dream of having.

Exercise 4.2: Hyperidentity


Exercise 4.2

I chose Kendall Jenner's Instagram because of how it is a mix of her showing "her personal life" but also her modeling career and family and everything. but in reality, it is still all particularly chosen to show a specific persona. something relatable but also unachievable. I included an image of her saved stories because this is her literally categorizing her life into little bubbles and labeling them.

Travels in Hyper Identity

It's not unlikely to imagine an existence in the next sphere of human corporality. Wether influenced by technological factors, evolutionary, or more likely both, I think it's not improbable that our bodies will modify, transgress and break the boundaries of our current human skin. While it's all speculation, a small, ghostly version has already occured-through our digital presence aka trans-bodily internet expressions. Internet clones, 'deepfakes', impersonation, we've already encountered a potent combination of expressing internal consciousness within a different set of parameters. No matter what, I think it we consider ourselves human, we will consider ourselves to have a body. "These artists encourage us to revel in the materiality of our own anatomy, regardless of how far we've traveled from it." From Patricia Piccinini : Graham The comforter The naturalist Wether we interpret this externally or internally is a complex aspe...

Exercise 4.2


Embodied/Disembodied Exercise 3.2


Home Developing Setup

Patterson Tank Changing Bag Graduated Cylinder 3 Jars Thermometer Chemicals Used -Ilford Ilfosol 3 -Ilford Ilfostop -Ilford Rapid Fix Development times/temperatures vary according to film. I adjusted my sink water to exactly 20c and used that for everything. Mixed with the ratios (found on bottles) and followed these steps Seemed to work well! The trickiest part was definitely taking out film and winding it in the changing bag. I really thought I would fail at this since I am not the most nimble person on this earth, but I just ripped the film canister to pieces with my fingers, cut off the leader, found the bearings and wound it. Not too hard!

Embodied Simulation


Embodied Simulation


Exercise 3.2 Embodied Simulation (dis-embodied is #1, #2/3) (Embodied #4)

Dis-embodied: John Baldessari (b. 1931)    Hitch-hiker (Splattered Blue) Homunculus Embodied: Promo for Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat's collaborative work, "Paintings" at Tony Shafrazi, 1985

Embodied Simulation


Exercise 3.2 Embodied Simulation

bodily distance embodied intimacy

Ex 3.2: Embodied Simulation

"embodied intimacy" "bodily distance"