Home Developing Setup
Patterson Tank
Changing Bag
Graduated Cylinder
3 Jars
Chemicals Used
-Ilford Ilfosol 3
-Ilford Ilfostop
-Ilford Rapid Fix
Development times/temperatures vary according to film. I adjusted my sink water to exactly 20c and used that for everything. Mixed with the ratios (found on bottles) and followed these steps
Seemed to work well! The trickiest part was definitely taking out film and winding it in the changing bag. I really thought I would fail at this since I am not the most nimble person on this earth, but I just ripped the film canister to pieces with my fingers, cut off the leader, found the bearings and wound it. Not too hard!
Changing Bag
Graduated Cylinder
3 Jars
Chemicals Used
-Ilford Ilfosol 3
-Ilford Ilfostop
-Ilford Rapid Fix
Development times/temperatures vary according to film. I adjusted my sink water to exactly 20c and used that for everything. Mixed with the ratios (found on bottles) and followed these steps
Seemed to work well! The trickiest part was definitely taking out film and winding it in the changing bag. I really thought I would fail at this since I am not the most nimble person on this earth, but I just ripped the film canister to pieces with my fingers, cut off the leader, found the bearings and wound it. Not too hard!
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