
Some quotes that were interesting:

"Technology isn’t inherently progressive. Its uses are fused with culture in a positive feedback loop that makes linear sequencing, prediction, and absolute caution impossible"

‘The universal must be grasped as generic, which is to say, intersectional, built from the bottom up – or, better, laterally, opening new lines of transit across an uneven landscape’

"The task of collective self-mastery requires a hyperstitional manipulation of desire’s puppet-strings, and deployment of semiotic operators over a terrain of highly networked cultural systems."

 ‘we, as women, have long been excluded from fully participating in a patriarchal society. Let us seize this exclusion as a productive asset’. The univocal ‘we’, deployed without a convincing account of difference, is addressed further below. Thirdly, as a ‘creature on the offensive’, serving ‘all of our alien kin’ and ‘constructing an alien future’, we find the figure of a ‘sci-fi alien’ which feeds from cyberculture’s and CCRU’s long-existing obsession with artificial intelligence


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