Xenofeminism Response

Some Quotes that stood out to me
"Technology isn’t inherently progressive. Its uses are fused with culture in a positive feedback loop that makes linear sequencing, prediction, and absolute cau-tion impossible"

"There are incessantly proliferating tools to be annexed, and although no one can claim their comprehensive accessibility, digital tools have never been more widely available or more sensitive to appropriation than they are today."

Reminds me of the Marks Reading and the capitalistic outputs of technology come with detriment, while the accessibility of technology can aid in a socialist vision (in this case feminism)

"If ‘cyberspace’ once offered the promise of escaping the strictures of essentialist identity categories, the climate of contemporary social me-dia has swung forcefully in the other direction, and has become a theatre where these prostrations to identity are performed."
Reminds me of the bit in the hyperrealism documentary when they were talking about the original creation of the internet setup a ground work for a free reality...but alas it still became a puppet of capitalism.

"The task of collective self-mastery requires a hyperstitional manipulation of desire’s puppet-strings, and deployment of semiotic operators over a terrain of highly networked cultural systems."
A little dense for me...I understand it that these alternate realities cannot be formed without consideration of the logistics of cultural systems, and these alternate utopias can't be constructed purely of idealization?

"From the postmoderns, we have learnt to burn the facades of the false universal and dispel such confusions; from the moderns, we have learnt to sift new universals from the ashes of the false."
A continuation of the idea regarding idealism?


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