Image World - Abby

A photograph isn't just an image, it is also a direct copy of the world around us. Left with minimal artistic alterations.

Debate of the image world replacing the real world

A painting doesn't feel like the object itself, it has always felt separate from what was depicted. while a photograph being direct representation feels one in the same.

A painting can show you an experience, while a photograph is a more analytical depiction of information and what is.

a target of surveillance. The previous form of this was writing.

Photography also isn't dependent on an image maker.

I don't fully agree with everything stated. Though I understand this side of things and viewing imagery as such, it discredits the person holding the camera. although it is an accurate way of depicting the world, there are ways of editing imagery both in the camera and in post production. as well as the fact, if you are depicting the world, that means there is a whole lot to chose from and to take a snapshot of how you view certain sections of the world. On could say this was true with painting as well, but in a lot of ways it was different because paintings required much more items with you as well as what was said in the reading about painters interpreting. A camera being a true depiction means there is more one must do creatively and visually to diversify their work from the real world.


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